Welcome To Receptive Income!

Receptive income. What's that? Receptive income is easy money. Ease with money. Why not call it passive income? Because calling it passive sounds so, well, passive. Letting go of the idea of needing to work to make a living can take some work. I have had to do some significant inner work, changing my beliefs about myself, about life, and even about God, to get to a place of self-worth where I am comfortable receiving money, easily and effortlessly. If this sounds compelling to you, then before going further, please read Receptive Income 101, the first entry to this blog. From there you have choices. You can read more about the mental and emotional part of Receptive Income at Getting Started... The Inner Journey. Or you can jump right into investing by visiting Getting Started... The Outer Journey. Also, If you would like to subscribe to this journal, you would get a heads up each time I add an entry. To do so, send a hello to scott@scottsongs.com and write Subscribe Me To Your Blog in the subject section.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Getting Started... The Inner Journey

If you have a sense that all of this sounds too good to be true, that's OK. I started my journey there as well. If you have a sneaking suspicion that maybe, just maybe, some opportunities for abundance have passed you by because of your limiting beliefs about money, then read on. Here are the resources I used and what I suggest you do as well.

1. Purchase Busting Loose From The Money Game, by Robert Scheinfeld. It is a book I suggest you get, read, study, and study some more. In it there is a process you can do whenever you feel limited in any way in your experience with money called, curiously enough, The Process. I love its simplicity and effectiveness, It is invaluable for shifting out of fear and scarcity and into trust and abundance. You can buy Busting Loose new or used on Amazon.

2. Immerse yourself in the books, recordings, and seminars of the Abraham Teachings. This work is about learning to manage and stop misusing the greatest money making (or money sabotaging) factor in your life - your own mind!

3. I use subliminal recordings and have listened to them every day for over a year. Alphasonics are the best company out there and the ones that I have been using are Attracting Infinite Riches and Prosperity. They contain over a million affirmations per hour. You can have them on in the background as you go about your day. They prepare you on a subconscious level to manifest and receive. They help you get magnetized for abundance. Please call them to make your purchase. If you call the company to order and mention that I sent you I get a small discount on my next order. Their number is 505-466-7773, and my Alphasonics ID # is 9166.

4. A friend of mine Karen Drucker has a song called Money Is Coming To Me, from her CD, Songs of the Spirit ll. It has become the Receptive Income theme song. It is so much fun to listen to. The words of the chorus are "Money is coming to me easily and effortlessly, money is coming to me." You can purchase it and download it as a single song on ITunes or go to her website at www.karendrucker.com and get the entire CD, which is wonderful.

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