Welcome To Receptive Income!

Receptive income. What's that? Receptive income is easy money. Ease with money. Why not call it passive income? Because calling it passive sounds so, well, passive. Letting go of the idea of needing to work to make a living can take some work. I have had to do some significant inner work, changing my beliefs about myself, about life, and even about God, to get to a place of self-worth where I am comfortable receiving money, easily and effortlessly. If this sounds compelling to you, then before going further, please read Receptive Income 101, the first entry to this blog. From there you have choices. You can read more about the mental and emotional part of Receptive Income at Getting Started... The Inner Journey. Or you can jump right into investing by visiting Getting Started... The Outer Journey. Also, If you would like to subscribe to this journal, you would get a heads up each time I add an entry. To do so, send a hello to scott@scottsongs.com and write Subscribe Me To Your Blog in the subject section.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Telling Others About Online Investments

Do you tell people about your investments? Do you sell them? Do you push? Or are you at the other extreme, not mentioning them at all? Are you too embarrassed, too afraid they will think you are a gullible fool for investing online?

I've been there - on both ends of the spectrum... a little pushy, totally silent, and have finally found a place of balance between the two polarities that feels right for me.

Yes, I want everyone that I love to know... "Hey, I have been making over $400 a day from Cash Tanker, I am supporting my family with it, and you can too!" But then I think about what happened with Pathway 2 Prosperity, a program I made $5000 profit in last year. I got my sister involved, she put $1000 in, and she lost it all when the program spiraled downward. That sucked. All programs have a beginning, a middle and an end, and they are not at all predictable.

So I feel both cautious and excited about my friends and family getting involved with this stuff. I tell them that I am doing well, but it is all high risk investing, and they can easily lose what they put in. But they can also possibly make plenty of money. I suggest that they only put in what they can afford to kiss goodbye forever. The choice to take the risk is up to them, but if I say nothing, they don't get to choose at all. So, yes, I have let my friends know what I am up to. I answer their questions, telling them the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of online investing. Most have steered clear. Some have joined me, and we are having loads of fun watching our Cash Tanker accounts grow, dreaming new dreams, entertaining new possibilities. It's really not so much about the money, but the joy of joining with others, as well as the adventure of the process, the sense of aliveness that comes from being willing to risk and play full out. It's another way of saying yes to life, and that always gets me giddy.

Venus and I start our days thanking God for our blessings. Abundance is everywhere we look, especially in the laughter and the smiles of our daughter. We thank God for Cash Tanker, yes, and we do see it as quite a little miracle, but the forms and faces of abundance come and go, appear and disappear. It is best not to get too attached to the forms appearing today. Today God showers us through Cash Tanker. Tomorrow His Love might take a different face, as Her Omnipresence has an unlimited supply of ever changing forms and names. The important things is to know in your heart of hearts that God's Love is the ground and fabric of your being and cannot abandon you, ever. Forms and faces constantly change, but love, real love, never come and goes, because it is eternal. And so are you.

Tomorrow I am buying Venus a new computer. We have a list on our wall of things we can use: a vacation, new cars, computers, private school for our daughter, etc. We are moving closer to these goals each day. Living in the mindset that all things are possible is the greatest feeling on earth. There are no limits, and yet we can temporarily lose sight of that when we fixate on our fears, and believe in appearances. Gratitude is a way out of the ego's quicksand and back to God.

Practice counting and giving thanks for all of your blessings every day, as well as holding a feeling of faith, anticipation, and excitement about your goals and dreams coming true, the inevitability of your desires manifesting in God's Perfect Timing. Gratitude for what exists is the inhale of happiness. Faith in your dreams and desires for the future is the exhale. Breathe deeply today! Let love and money in, and let them out! It's all a miracle!


Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Yesterday PAC for All, one of my investments, announced they were closing down. I lost $800. Some of those who signed up under me lost more. I feel sad about that, more than the disappointment I feel about my own loss. Several of my good friends followed my enthusiastic lead and lost $1000 each in this one. Yes, they made their own decision to put their money in. No, I did not push them into it. Yes, they knew it was high risk investing. Still, it hurts, and I feel for them.

And I broke my own rule with this one. I kept reinvesting what I was making, instead of getting my seed money back as soon as possible. My plan was to keep reinvesting until I could take out $1000 every twelve days. I was close. I thought they were solid for at least a few more months. The intuitive information I had did not see any immediate red flags.

Ouch! I could have made back my principal and even had a little profit before they closed if I had followed my own advice and taken out what I had put in as soon as possible.

OK, it happened. Diversification has saved me from this being a serious financial setback. The important thing is to become wiser, to get the learning. Next time, I'll get the seed money out A.S.A.P. and then the rest is Monopoly money.

Also, the learning is to observe my thoughts. What story am I telling that is making this more painful than it need be? Is is a doomsday story? Are my survival fears coming up, causing me to get extra serious and dramatic about this? Is it really that urgent? What meaning am I giving this?

The truth is that money comes and goes all the time, like breathing. I don't worry after the exhale that there won't be another inhale. No, I just trust and let it happen. That's what I aspire to with money. To relax, trust, say hello, let it flow, let it come, have some fun, wave goodbye, let it fly. These programs come and go, they arise and fall, just like my breath. They are not the Source of my supply. God is. And the Infinite will continue to bless me and my family through all kinds of channels, as I relax and trust and lean into abundance.

Goodbye PAC for All. Thank you for spending some fun and exciting time with me. Thank you for helping me learn some lessons. I release you, and I am open to the next wonderful surprise, the next beautiful financial blessing that is on its way.

I am open to miracles. Whenever I seem to lose, a bigger win is on the way. I never lose anything of real value. All is well. Always.

For more on how we can handle loss gracefully, see my article entitled, "Change is a Fact; Loss is an Opinion". Just copy and paste this link into your browser: http://www.cooleremail.net/users/scottsongs/ScottsMasterList_July$6$2008$MuseLetter.html

For more inspirational acticles about living your best life, go to www.scottsongs.com and click on Museletter Sign Up.