Welcome To Receptive Income!

Receptive income. What's that? Receptive income is easy money. Ease with money. Why not call it passive income? Because calling it passive sounds so, well, passive. Letting go of the idea of needing to work to make a living can take some work. I have had to do some significant inner work, changing my beliefs about myself, about life, and even about God, to get to a place of self-worth where I am comfortable receiving money, easily and effortlessly. If this sounds compelling to you, then before going further, please read Receptive Income 101, the first entry to this blog. From there you have choices. You can read more about the mental and emotional part of Receptive Income at Getting Started... The Inner Journey. Or you can jump right into investing by visiting Getting Started... The Outer Journey. Also, If you would like to subscribe to this journal, you would get a heads up each time I add an entry. To do so, send a hello to scott@scottsongs.com and write Subscribe Me To Your Blog in the subject section.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Busting Loose From The Money Game

Hi there!

I am guessing that this post might be interesting, inspiring and helpful for some of you. It's about the inner work necessary to create a healthy relationship with money. It's about making the wisest and most long term investment of all - investing in the quality of your thoughts,feelings, and attitudes about money.

I have been doing an exercise called The Process every morning like clockwork, and also whenever I have anxiety about money, as outlined in the masterful book Busting Loose From The Money Game, by Robert Scheinfeld, which is one of the tools listed in the Resources For The Journey section of this blog. The Process is a great way to free ourselves from fear and old limiting beliefs about money. When I am doing The Process, I bring up any and all of my negative thoughts and feelings about money - worry, fear, limitation, grief, greed, unworthiness, struggle, annoyance, anger, anxiety, helplessness - any thoughts or feelings related to money, scarcity, and abundance that are not joyful and empowering. I also do the Emotional Freedom Technique (www.emofree.com), to deepen the process of bringing up and releasing the negative feelings and limiting beliefs as I welcome them to rise. Then I strongly verbally affirm something like this, while tapping (EFT) so I get it beyond just intellectually, so that I feel it deep in my bones.

(You are encouraged to change the words to make it more suitable to your own religious/spiritual beliefs)

I am one with the Unlimited Power and Presence of God, here delightfully and purposefully co-creating Heaven On Earth, and all is well. ALL IS WELL! My family and I are safe and supported at all times, guided, protected, provided for, sustained, and financed by the Love of God! I place our future into the Hands of God, knowing that our it is safe, secure, very exciting, and filled with wonderful suprises.




I keep adding and changing the words to make it fresh, creative and fun.

There is a lot more to The Process than what I just shared. If it attracts you, I suggest getting the book and going for it. I am sure you could find it used on Amazon or order it at your library.


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